During the summer of my fifth year in elementary school, I participated in a volunteer activity called Kohebi-tai at the Echigo-Tsumari Art Festival held in Tokamachi City, Niigata Prefecture. The reason for this was that I had previously been to the Setouchi Triennale and felt that the art scattered throughout the island was very interesting and harmonized with nature, so I wanted to go to the Echigo-Tsumari Art Festival as well. When I looked into it, I found that they were recruiting volunteers called Kohebi-tai, so I decided to join.
I stayed at Sansho House, a dormitory that was used by old school, and met many people who were participating in volunteer activities. And I was able to hear various stories from these people. It was very interesting. I who is an elementary school student worked at reception at art works and guide them around, all of which I had never experienced before. It seems that there are not many elementary school and junior high school students like me who participate. Therefore, we want many people, including elementary and junior high school students, and even people from overseas, I started this blog because I wanted to know that "this kind of activity exists", "this kind of wonderful experience can be had" and "Tokamachi is such a wonderful place". Please feel free to read even if it's just an article about a work you're interested in.
小学五年级的暑假,我参加了新泻县十日町市越后妻有艺术三年展的志愿者活动 “Kohebi-tai”。 我以前参加过濑户内国际艺术节,觉得岛上的艺术作品非常有趣,与自然和谐共存,所以也想去越后妻有艺术三年展看看。 我发现有一个名为 “Kohebi-tai ”的志愿者机会,于是决定参加。
我住在一个叫 “Sansho House ”的地方,那里曾经是一所旧学校,在那里我认识了很多参加志愿者活动的人。 我还聆听了他们的各种故事。 这非常有趣。 我还担任了艺术品的接待员和向导,这些都是我这个小学生从未体验过的。 听说像我这样的小学生和初中生参加这个活动的并不多。 因此,我写了这个博客,希望让小学生和初中生,甚至国外的朋友们都知道有这样的活动,可以有这样美好的体验,十日町是个好地方。 请大家哪怕只阅读自己感兴趣的作品的文章。
在小學五年級的暑假,我參加了在新瀉縣十日町市舉辦的越後妻有藝術三年展(Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale)的義工活動,稱為 「Kohebi-tai」。 我之前參加過瀨戶內國際藝術節,覺得島上的藝術作品非常有趣,而且與大自然很和諧,所以我也想去越後妻有藝術三年展看看。 我發現有一個名為「Kohebi-tai」的志工機會,所以我決定參加。
我住在一個叫 Sansho House(以前是一所舊學校)的住宿處,認識了很多參加志工活動的人。 我還聽到了他們的各種故事。 這非常有趣。 我可以擔任藝術品的接待員和導覽,這些都是身為小學生的我從未體驗過的。 聽說像我這樣參加這個活動的小學生和初中生並不多。 因此,我開設了這個部落格,希望讓小學生、中學生和許多人,甚至是日本以外的人,都知道有這樣的活動,可以有這樣美好的體驗,也知道十勝町是個這麼好的地方。 請嘗試閱讀哪怕只是您感興趣的作品的文章。
