This is the last day of this year's Kohebi-tai activities!
Today we had time for the bullet train back home, so we had to make it to the MonET for our activity. We took turns working at the reception desk for two pieces that we came and experienced on our first day: one walking on the pond in the center of MonET, and the other in the Akashi no Yu (hot spring).
The work called “Amida Crossing,” which is a walk on the pond, is in the free area of MonET, so even if you have a passport, you have to pay to experience it. The entrance is set up in one place, but visitors can enter from anywhere, so it was very difficult to guide them to the entrance and have them pay. It was so hot in the morning that we had to take shelter in the shade while showing visitors around.

明石の湯のエントランスにある作品は、作品があることに気づいてもらえないので、パスポートを持っている方が見ないで通り過ぎてしまうと、慌てて外に出てご案内しました。今日は英語を使って初めて外国の方を案内することができました! ちゃんと通じて、わかっていただけたのが本当にうれしかった。
Since people did not notice the artwork at the entrance of Akashi no Yu, we rushed outside to guide the passport holders when they passed by without looking. Today was the first time I was able to guide a foreign visitor using English! I was really happy that I could communicate properly and that they understood me.
